
radically disfigured: A facial disfigurement podcast

​​We hope to create and support a platform where the disfigurement community can engage in meaningful discussions, with the end goal of furthering justice and organizing with and for our community. We are your hosts Charlie Manzano and Lexis Rivers!

You can find us on Anchor and Spotify!

Social Media: We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

Host Bios



Hello! My name is Lex, I am one of the co-hosts of the Radically Disfigured Podcast. I am 28 years old, and I have a recently acquired cancer related facial disfigurement. I am also a Registered Nurse, not currently practicing due to disability, though I was previously working in oncology care. I am passionate about nursing, and I also like to write poetry. I have been writing poetry about my experiences with cancer and FD, and I hope to write more publicly about critically analyzing topics related to both cancer and FD.

Find me on Instagram @_salty.lex or at deviantart.com/salty-lex



Hi I'm Charlie, co-host of the Radically Disfigured Podcast. I am 23 years old, and I have an acquired cancer related facial disfigurement. Outside of this project, I run the Young Adult Facial/Bodily Difference and Disfigurement Network, the Transgender Cancer Patient Project, and the Transgender Cancer Network. I also write zines about my experiences and larger cancer related and FD topics that you can check out here!

Find me on instagram @t4t_c4c



Hi I'm Bailee, the Radically Disfigured Podcast social media intern! If there are any misspellings or other types of errors pls let me know and I will make sure my human friends address the issue. Ruff, your local canine FD ally.