Radically Disfigured Podcast

A podcast for and by the facial disfigurement community about DISFIGUREMENT topics, issues, and activism.

Who are we?: We are two young adult facial cancer patients who wanted to create more resources for those struggling with FD (facial disfigurement and facial difference). We wanted a place to share ideas, engage in conversation with others from different walks of life, and the opportunity to create a platform advocating for facial equality.

Where can I find your stuff?: You can find our podcast on Anchor and Spotify! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for updates. You can also find our zines on this site under the zines and media tab.

Where are you located?: We are two people running this podcast and we are located in the SF Bay Area (Ohlone Land) and Southern Oregon (Takelma Land).

What do you do outside of podcasts?: We currently make zines about FD in addition to our podcasts. Find our zines (self-published books and media) above in our Zines and Media tab.